Gift cards - fixed value

As a client manager onboarded with Kreesalis, you can run Gift cards to target your end customers and nudge them through incentivization for sales uplift. You can create a New Gift card by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Gift cards

Login to the Kreesalis Platform > Click on “Configure” in side navigation menu > Click on “Gift cards”

Click on Create New Gift cards

  1. Click on Add new Gift card
    Enter Gift Card Name, Gift Card Type (as Fixed Monetary Value), Fixed Monetary Value, Select a category, Start Date, End date, Gift Card Description and Select a Image for Gift Card.
    Click on Create Gift card button.
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  1. Created Gift cards will be displayed inside Gift cards list along with Gift card name, design, type, value, category, valid till and actions column.
  1. Edit and view options are present under Actions column
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  1. There is a Settings icon present next to Add New Gift Card button