
Clients can also run gamification programs for their end customers through Kreesalis.

Client can go ahead and create a gamified environment for an audience from its customer or employee base. Gamification rules need to be configured that enable the players to go through a gamified and therefore highly engaging experience with client's brand. This is done using various tools such as:

a) Levels & Clubs
b) Achievement speedometers
c) Leaderboards
d) Badges

GAMIFICATION Configuration:

1. Choose your players or participants
2. Choose time limits
3. Choose how the players earn points
4. Choose how they would Level up, become a part of Clubs, are given Badges
5. Choose Leaderboards and Winners
6. Redeem/Reward


Multiple Games

A participant can be a part of multiple games. eg. The Client Manager can choose a Flagship Loyalty Program and gamify it. Plus, any number of separate programs can be created to boost engagement. It could be based on customer segment, seasons or festivals, etc.

A participant can earn points through various events. The Client assigns variable points to multiple events depending on the behavior they want to drive the audience towards.
Participant is intermittently notified of progress and nudged on the path to further riches (points, coupons) and glory (recognition)!

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