This API basically enables us to define different ways (events) through which points can be earned by the end customer. There are 4 broad steps to get this defined (Wherever per rupee is coming, that should be replaced by the currency defined for the client):

  1. Define Event Type:
    a) Activity Type
    b) Purchase Type
    c) Goal Based
    d) Interaction

  2. Event Name:
    a) On purchasing something
    b) On completing an activity

  3. Condition: This will basically complement what point 2 is stating with a validation/ rule. For eg:
    a) Purchase in-store or online?
    b) Activity is sign up or first purchase or second purchase or usage?
    c) Goal based is if you reach certain target of points .
    d) Interaction is giving like or share or comment in WhatsApp or Twitter or Facebook.

  4. Defining the points which will be credited after the defined condition is met by the end customer.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!