
All headers names are defined in CamelCase. For example, authentication headers are ClientId and ClientSecret.

Request Parameters
URL parameters

URL parameters where required are used to identify specific resources, and unless otherwise indicated can be accessed by using the id of the resource or the external_id of the resource.
To learn more about external ids, please read Entity Identification .

Query parameters

Query parameters are always defined in snake case.

Request Body

Kreesalis APIs accept either JSON in the request body, or CSV files in the case of bulk uploads.

Please ensure you set the Content-Type header accordingly.

For bulk uploads, you can use HTTP multipart requests to upload the file.

Response Format

All responses are provided in JSON format, in addition to the entities, the response also contains metadata about the status and errors with the request.

The fields of the JSON response are as follows:

  • status_code - UNIX like status for the request, a code of 0 indicates success, 1 indicates a logical error, 2 indicates a server error.
  • status_message - textual description of status of the request. This field shows descriptions of errors in the request or a success message describing the activity that occured in the server
  • records - contains the resources which were acted upon as part of the request
  • title - contains ok for successful requests and errors for requests with errors. Useful for UI alerts or UI integrations.

Here is an example from the purchase events API