External and Internal IDs

All resources are identified by an internal id, which is returned in the id field of a resource for any response. You can use these ids to refer to resources in most API requests as part of the URL parameters or request body.

However, since the APIs are meant for integration with third-party e-commerce platforms and billing CRMs, we also include the notion of external ids on our platform.

External ids are the e-commerce/billing crm ids for a particular resource. When you create a resource, you can pass this id as the external_id field and save it in Kreesalis. You can later use the external id to reference resources in Kreesalis. This saves you the headache of having to map the e-commerce/billing crm ids with Kreesalis ids before making a request.

To provide an external id, prefix the id of the resource with external-. For example if you want to retrieve details about a user whose id in the e-commerce system is a UUID, then you would prefix the UUID with external-, e.g. /participants/external-e65595b3-e7ff-48b3-ac2c-0e41f17cf9b8/purchase_events